Prolific. That’s just one of the deserved, superlative words that immediately comes to mind if I was asked to describe the author I’m interviewing today. Talented, entertaining, dedicated and disciplined are a few more. I could go on with the glowing words and you know what? They would all be accurate.
This man has been
plying his trade for a good long while now and he hasn’t slowed down a bit. If
I did my homework right (and there was plenty of that with this gentleman), he
sold his first novel in the fall of 1980. For the mathematically challenged,
that would be almost exactly 34 years ago…Some of you reading this didn't even have
a birth certificate yet. Some of you have never changed a ribbon on a real typewriter.
Since that first novel, Texas Wind, he wrote about ohhhh let's see, I don't know...more than three hundred more. Novels. Three Hundred. Throw in another 100 short stories and you have an astounding body of work. Think about those numbers for just a moment folks. Then maybe think about some of the things this author has to say below, because I believe he knows of what he speaks. I’m very honored and pleased to bring you an interview with James Reasoner.
Since that first novel, Texas Wind, he wrote about ohhhh let's see, I don't know...more than three hundred more. Novels. Three Hundred. Throw in another 100 short stories and you have an astounding body of work. Think about those numbers for just a moment folks. Then maybe think about some of the things this author has to say below, because I believe he knows of what he speaks. I’m very honored and pleased to bring you an interview with James Reasoner.
James, I hardly know
where to begin so I’m going to start with that photo of yourself as a young boy
on http://jamesreasoner.net/ , the one with the cowboy outfit. I have
several of those old pictures myself as it seems every kid born in the 1950’s
did. I was more of a bandito I guess, my black hat had little balls hanging
down that circled the brim. My holster also had a fancy tie strap for the leg,
which I tied so tight I’m sure I cut off all circulation below the knee. And of
course the worst set of chaps you’ve ever seen. My first unofficial questionbefore
we get this thing going is a deep thoughtful one so think hard on this; Did you
have a world war two get-up too? You know the gear, green plastic canteen,
green plastic helmet with a razor sharp green plastic chin strap, etc. etc. –
plus the not so authentic grubby sweaty white t-shirt, bad jeans that were
about two sizes too big and worn out high top Converse tennis shoes. ---
Oh, yeah, I played war as much as
I played cowboys, so I had all that stuff! I also had a toy Thompson submachine
gun and a toy BAR, so I was well-armed and ready if the Nazis ever invaded my
street. One of my favorite TV series from that era was COMBAT!, and I still
like to watch an episode now and then. With that sort of background, I really
enjoyed it when I got the chance to write some World War II novels a few
decades later.
So anyway, it’s painfully obvious that you and I are one year apart in
terms of age but we’re about a thousand years apart in producing the written
word. I could start right now and go 24 hours a day until I keel over and I
still wouldn’t catch you. After you started writing at the ripe old age of ten
or probably younger, at what point did you start writing like a damn machine
gun? I would think by the time you left High School you had to have the engine
fairly revved up. (Bonus question alert; did you write for the school newspaper
(H.S. and/or College) ---
Nope, I didn't write for the
school newspaper at any level. I wrote a little for a church newsletter when I
was in high school but didn't care for it. I just don't have the journalism
gene. I wrote quite a bit of fiction from fifth grade on through junior high,
most of it mysteries starring me and my friends and heavily influenced by the
Hardy Boys. I didn't write as much in high school, although I did turn out what
we'd now consider fan-fiction novels about the Lone Ranger and Tarzan. All that
stuff is long, long gone. I was in college before I started submitting stories
to magazines (usually magazines where there was no hope of me selling them, but
I didn't know that at the time). It was really after I was out of college and
married before I started turning out quite a few stories and trying to sell
them, and that was at the urging of my wife Livia. I didn't start writing fast
until I started to sell. It seemed like the more I sold, the faster I could
Then I got the job of writing the Mike Shayne novellas in MIKE SHAYNE
MYSTERY MAGAZINE and had a regular deadline every month, so that really boosted
my production.
I’ve read where down
through the years, you have written under thirty different pseudonyms and
house-names for multi book series as well as stand-alone novels. You’ve written
over two dozen books under your name. Did you find it any more difficult or
challenging to write under a house name in perhaps a different style or persona
that you had to uphold and be consistent with? ---
I've always had the knack of being able to pick up another author's style and make my work reasonably consistent with it. Don't know where it came from, but I'm glad I have it. However, I've noticed that the longer I stay on a series, the more it becomes "mine", so to speak. But it's a gradual process.
I've always had the knack of being able to pick up another author's style and make my work reasonably consistent with it. Don't know where it came from, but I'm glad I have it. However, I've noticed that the longer I stay on a series, the more it becomes "mine", so to speak. But it's a gradual process.

My favorite house-name series has always been Longarm. I was a fan of the series as a reader for quite a few years before I started writing them. I was really fond of the character and liked the way I was able to tell many different kinds of stories with him. I was also able to get quite a bit of humor into those novels. I contributed to that series, off and on, for 18 years and wrote, I believe, 47 books in it.
Here’s a potentially
dicey one for you. Your work has appeared with some of the biggest publishers
there are, or were. Out of all of them them; Pocket Books, Harper, Signet,
Bantam Berkley, Cumberland House, Manor to just name a few- which did you feel
the most at home with and have the most enjoyable experience with?…..Don’t
worry James, I have a readership of 3 so feel free to tell it like it is.---
I've been lucky and have had good experiences just about everywhere except at Manor, and I'm grateful to them anyway since they published my first novel. They didn't pay me for it, mind you, but at least they published it. At the other houses it was more a matter of I meshed well with some editors better than others. It's no secret that I've sold more books to Gary Goldstein than any other editor and have sort of followed him from publisher to publisher over the past 30 years.
I've been lucky and have had good experiences just about everywhere except at Manor, and I'm grateful to them anyway since they published my first novel. They didn't pay me for it, mind you, but at least they published it. At the other houses it was more a matter of I meshed well with some editors better than others. It's no secret that I've sold more books to Gary Goldstein than any other editor and have sort of followed him from publisher to publisher over the past 30 years.
What was, and is, the
greatest motivator or driver for you to write – and to be so consistent with
the production in the early days compared to now. Or do you even need a
strategy, or an occasional spur? To write a million words a year,which I know
you done on several occasions, I have to think you use something from time to
time. The discipline and time dedicated needed for that level of work is just mind
boggling to me.---
I hate wearing a tie, and I'm not fond of keeping regular hours. Plus, to be honest about it, I'm not really qualified to do anything else except what I do. That was what prompted me to try to make a living at writing in the first place. Of course, along the way there were other things, like the fact that being a writer gave me the flexibility to be around my kids a lot while they were growing up. I was able to volunteer at the schools and was even the president of the elementary school PTO one year. That was a busy time in my life, but I really enjoyed it. Now I'm old enough that I'm looking toward retirement, but I want to keep working as much as I can so that I'll be able to enjoy that retirement. Of course, for me if I slowed down and wrote half a million words a year, I'd probably feel like I was retired. I've hit the million words a year mark for the past nine years and am trying hard to make it ten years in a row. My plan was to go ahead and slow down after this year, but I've already agreed to write more books than what I intended, so it looks like I'll be in the neighborhood of a million words again next year.
I hate wearing a tie, and I'm not fond of keeping regular hours. Plus, to be honest about it, I'm not really qualified to do anything else except what I do. That was what prompted me to try to make a living at writing in the first place. Of course, along the way there were other things, like the fact that being a writer gave me the flexibility to be around my kids a lot while they were growing up. I was able to volunteer at the schools and was even the president of the elementary school PTO one year. That was a busy time in my life, but I really enjoyed it. Now I'm old enough that I'm looking toward retirement, but I want to keep working as much as I can so that I'll be able to enjoy that retirement. Of course, for me if I slowed down and wrote half a million words a year, I'd probably feel like I was retired. I've hit the million words a year mark for the past nine years and am trying hard to make it ten years in a row. My plan was to go ahead and slow down after this year, but I've already agreed to write more books than what I intended, so it looks like I'll be in the neighborhood of a million words again next year.
As far as a specific strategy, I'm pretty good at keeping
track of how much work I need to turn out every month in order to get
everything done, and I write down each day's pages along with a running total
so I can see if I'm maintaining the required pace.
Are you a morning or
a night writer? Or hell, an anytime writer? I know with my job I’m awake early
anyway so I cheat in a hour or two of writing before the paying work starts. I
find my head clearer and less cluttered. I’m much more productive than late at
night. Are weekends a different story?---
I write for three to four hours in the morning, take a break
for lunch, then write three or four more hours in the afternoon. I hardly ever
work at night. It was different when I was young and would sometimes start late
in the afternoon and work all night. Having kids put an end to that. I tend to
write on the weekends and take my days off, if there are any, in the middle of
the week.

Part of the time while I was writing the Civil War books for
Cumberland House (two books a year), I was also writing my World War II series,
The Last Good War, for Forge Books, one per year of those.

I doubt this but have
you ever stalled out completely on a novel length book, one that was near
completion, say three quarters done? If so, what was the cause? Did you become
too judgmental, too critical, the more you wrote the more you didn’t like it?
If so, what did you do to right the ship and sail on? Did you let it sit and
come back to it, revamp the story, change the outline or do a character change?
I have a very selfish reason for asking you this.---
No, I've never put aside a book that was almost done. Never
felt the need to. I've gotten part of the way through a book and realized it
wouldn't work the way I'd written the outline, so I've had to toss that out and
go a different direction, but I've always been able to adjust on the fly.
I've abandoned short stories because I couldn't figure out
where to go with them, but in most cases I've been able to come back to them
later, look at them, and think, Oh, sure, this is what I need to do. Then I go
ahead and finish them.
With great interest I
read of your early plan to write and direct your own films. I believe you’re
wonderful style of writing and the resulting novels you create are movies just
waiting to be made. How close did that dream come to reality and what caused
you to move past it? ---
My movie-making career never even approached reality. I was
just never good enough at the technical aspects for it to be feasible. I think
I could write scripts—in fact, I have written scripts but was never able to
sell them (two of my published novels are, in fact, novelized screenplays)—but
somebody else would have to direct them. And I'd be fine with that.
I always have to
throw a food question in here so bear with me…We don’t live all that far apart
and I love to grill and smoke. Let’s say I invited you over. What’s it gonna be?
Steak, Brisket, Chicken, Ribs or Fish? ---
These days, definitely fish. It's brain food, and I need it!
With that, I guess
I’m done bothering you – for now anyway. I consider this a real privilege James
and I want to sincerely thank you for the time and insight. It’s been all my
pleasure. And by the way, don’t even think about retiring (which I’m sure
you’re not) because if you did, you’re going to leave a lot of unhappy people
out there. ---
Thanks for asking me. I enjoyed it. And as I mentioned
above, actual retirement doesn't seem to be in the cards any time soon!